Many dogs enjoy the taste of almonds but they make a poor choice as food for your dog. Due to the size of almonds and the possibility of your dog not chewing them sufficiently, there’s a high chance the almonds can become stuck in their esophagus or … [Read More...]
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Albino Corn Snake – Everything You Need To Know About Them And More
One of the most common pets for reptile lovers, the corn snake is medium-sized, docile, and very colorful to look at. They are easy to care for and do not mind being handled by humans, making them a popular choice for pets. The corn snake is a type … [Read More...]

Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Before we dive into answering the question of “Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?” let’s be sure that we’ve got some terminology right so there’s no confusion. The sunflower seed is comprised of a shell or hull that contains a sunflower kernel, or heart. … [Read More...]

Can Dogs Eat Papaya? You bet!
Many dogs enjoy eating whatever kind of food their owner is eating, including some fruits like pears or apples. However, certain fruits such as grapes are toxic to dogs. If you like exotic fruits, you may be wondering: can dogs eat … [Read More...]